The other day Gedeon, the hospital manager at HHS, was in Goma attending a wedding ceremony of a friend when he saw Mr. Sankara on a wheelchair in poor condition. He did not know Mr. Sankara personally, but was moved when he witnessed him struggling with his wheelchair. Mr. Sankara was being pushed by his friend because he was unable to navigate the wheelchair on his own.
“Watching him I saw the wheelchair no longer in good condition and I thought of how his life would be changed if HHS offered him a wheelchair in good condition” (Gedeon).
After consulting with HHS coordinators, they managed to provide a quality wheelchair for Mr. Sankara which would assist him greatly with his mobility, independence and self-esteem. Mr. Sankara mentioned how satisfied he was with how “God met his need for mobility through HHS”.

It is in this spirit that HHS works. Attempting to improve the lives of community members who are struggling for various different reasons. In DRC, like in all parts of the world, individuals with physical disabilities face challenges due to poor mobility aids and lack of support. HHS attempts to provide both, better quality aids and community support. Mr.
Sankara is one example of the kind of community care HHS offers.